10 Essential Smartphone Tips and Tricks to Unlock Your Devices Full Potential

10 Essential Smartphone Tips and Tricks to Unlock Your Devices Full Potential

In the modern age of technology, smartphones are an integral part of our lives. They are more than just communication devices. They serve as our calendars, alarm clocks, music players, photo cameras, and gaming consoles, and have even replaced traditional maps. In certain instances, they even act as our assistants. However, how many of us can certify that we use our phones to their full potential? There’s a high chance your smartphone has certain functions that you didn’t even know existed! In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 essential smartphone tips and tricks to harness the full potential of your device.

1 Master your Smartphone’s Keyboard

Did you know that your smartphone keyboard has shortcuts that can speed up your typing? For instance, by long pressing on a character, you can select various versions of it, like different accented letters. You can also use swipe-typing, which allows you to type by sliding across the keyboard without lifting your finger.

2 Make the Most of your Battery

Battery life is a constant issue for many smartphone users. You can extend your battery life by adjusting your phone’s settings. These may involve decreasing your screen brightness, turning off vibrate, killing apps that are running in the background, and disabling unnecessary notifications.

3 Leverage Do Not Disturb

This feature comes in handy when you want your phone to stop buzzing from non-stop notifications but don’t want to switch it off. You can set it for a specific time frame or certain contacts.

4 Boost Performance with Developer Options

Unbeknownst to many, Android phones have a hidden settings category called “Developer Options” full of usable tweaks to improve performance. To access it, visit ‘About Phone’ in the settings, then tap on the build number seven times.

5 Organize Your Home Screen

Organizing your home screen can save you time and make your device easier to handle. Create folders for similar apps, like social networks or music apps. Most devices allow you to create folders by simply dragging one app on top of another.

6 Use Voice Commands

Voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Cortana can execute various tasks from setting up reminders to finding information online, playing music, or dialing a number. Invest time in learning what your voice assistant can do and become a master of hands-free commands.

7 Dig Deeper into Privacy Settings

Privacy settings are often overlooked, but it’s integral to know and decide what data your apps are accessing. Take some time to go through your privacy settings and ensure you’re comfortable with what information you’re sharing.

8 Take Advantage of NFC

Near Field Communication (NFC) allows for quick data transfers between two NFC-enabled devices. This can be anything from contact and website information to pairing requests for Bluetooth devices and payment information.

9 Make Use of Widgets

Widgets allow quick access to apps and can be hugely time-saving. For instance, instead of opening the weather app to check the forecast, you can simply take a glance at a widget on your home screen.

10 Learn to Back-Up and Restore

One of the most crucial aspects is learning how to back up and restore your data. It could save you a lot of trouble if your device ever gets damaged or lost.


In essence, optimizing these tricks can bring about a significant improvement in your daily interactions with your smartphone. Remember, smartphones are created to make our lives easier, not harder. Take time to understand your device, personalize it, play with the settings, and see how much more comfortable your life can be. So next time you’re stuck in a waiting room or a long queue, rather than simply scrolling through social media, spend some time exploring what your smartphone has to offer. You’d be surprised at all the untapped potential your device possesses!


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